Rodent ulcer removal is a relatively quick and painless procedure which we can carry out using a local anaesthetic.


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Our team have extensive experience in treating rodent ulcers and can provide the fast and efficient support you need for peace of mind.

A rodent ulcer is a non-melanoma skin cancer, also known as a basal cell carcinoma.

This is one of the most common cancers with more than 100,000 new cases diagnosed each year. They affect both men and women though are more common in men and older people.  Non-melanoma skin cancer needs to be caught and treated effectively, but it is not as serious as melanoma which can spread to other parts of the body.

Rodent ulcers vary in appearance.  

Some start out as a small, shiny pink or white lump with a translucent appearance while others are seen as a red, scaly patch, sometimes containing a brown or black pigment or a small red blood vessel on the surface. Over time the lump or patch will grow, sometimes becoming an ulcer.  Usually, the ulcer doesn’t hurt though they can become itchy.

There is a strong link between rodent ulcers and sun damage, with symptoms usually appearing on areas of the body which are regularly exposed to the sun such as the face, shoulders and upper chest.

There are a number of approaches which can be used to treat rodent ulcers, though surgery is the most common. 

Surgery involves numbing the rodent ulcer site with a local anaesthetic then removing it with a scalpel.  We usually remove a small amount of surrounding skin and tissue to ensure the rodent ulcer is completely removed.

The wound is then covered with a light dressing and you are free to return home.  The procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes, though everyone is different, of course. You will be prescribed some painkiller medication to ease any discomfort in the immediate aftermath of surgery.

You will need to attend a follow-up appointment about a week later so that we can check that the wound is healing properly. Usually, no further treatment is necessary.  More than 98% of patients with non-melanoma skin cancer, including rodent ulcers, are successfully cured.

Rodent ulcers usually result from skin damage due to exposure to too much sunlight.

The best way to prevent rodent ulcers is to protect your skin from the sun.  You should avoid using sunbeds and wear sunscreen year-round, not just when you’re on holiday.  Get into the habit of covering up your skin and wearing sunhats and sunglasses to protect your skin.   Exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays occurs even when the sun isn’t shining.  If you feel your skin starting to burn, cover up or go inside.