If you decide you no longer want your breast implants, or it is time to have a replacement, you can have a breast implant removal procedure at any time. Our team is highly experienced in breast implant surgery and we offer state-of-the-art facilities at The Pines Hospital Manchester, so you can rest assured you are in safe hands.
If our Breast Implant Removal Manchester services interest you, then keep reading to find out more.
There are lots of reasons for choosing to have a breast implant removal procedure. You may simply no longer want them and would prefer a smaller size – your feelings about your body may have changed, or your body shape may have altered, either because of the ageing process or lifestyle factors such as pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Also, breast implants typically have a life span of up to 15 years, so some people prefer to have their implants removed and replaced for peace of mind.
Other people have their breast implants removed based on medical advice. Complications are rare but some people experience what is known as capsular contracture. This occurs when the very thin layer of scar tissue that forms naturally around the breast implant starts to thicken, causing firmness and distortion of the implant. Capsular contracture can happen quite early on in unusual cases though is more common when the implants have been in place for a few years.
The reasons for capsular contracture are multiple but one of the most common current theories is what is known as a ‘biofilm’. This is a very low-grade colonisation of the implant surface with bacteria, which forms a layer around the implant and is believed to cause irritation/inflammation.
Whatever your motivation for breast implant removal, we can provide the advice, support and medical care you need.
The first step is to attend an initial consultation with one of our plastic surgeons who will talk to you about your motivations for implant removal and the results you would like to see.
They will also talk you through what surgery and recovery involved and answer any questions you may have about any aspect of treatment. Following this consultation, we will be prepare a full quotation detailing your breast implant removal cost of treatment and care.
The removal of breast implants is a relatively straightforward procedure.
You will need to have a general anaesthetic which means you’ll be asleep throughout. We will then remove your implants, making incisions in the same location as when your breast implants were inserted so that we minimise scarring as far as possible.
Where appropriate, and in cases where a breast uplift is required, we use a breast implant removal technique called ‘en bloc removal’ which involves removing the implant and the capsule as one. This is seen as the ‘gold standard’ way of removing the implant without contaminating the pocket with even microscopic amounts of silicone.
Before you come to hospital, compile any books and films you might like to read or watch while you’re recovering, that way you can relax as soon as you get home.
Make sure you have a stock of food so that you don’t need to shop and enlist the support of your family and friends. You’ll need to ask someone to drive you home from the hospital, and to help with household chores and meal preparation when you get home. Make plans for other people to help with childcare so that you are able to get plenty of rest.
Discuss your breast implant removal with one of our expert surgeons. You're in safe hands.
BOOK A CONSULTATIONYou can have your breast implants replaced at the same time as your original implants are removed.
We will do our best to minimise scarring by using the same areas for incisions as far as possible.
If you are having your implants replaced we will discuss the options with you. Our preferred type of implant for the majority of patients are Motiva® JOY implants. These implants give you lots of choice as they vary in softness, fullness and some are designed to mimic the movement of natural breast tissue. This means you can choose the implants that are perfectly suited to you, helping you to look and feel your best.
All surgery carries some element of risk and this will be discussed with you in detail when you attend your initial consultation.
Complications with breast removal surgery are rare but can include infection which can be treated with antibiotics or further surgery if necessary. Signs of infection include swelling, oozing from wounds, fever and the breast being particularly hot to the touch.
While follow-up appointments will be arranged to ensure your recovery runs smoothly, please call us straight away if you have any concerns following surgery.
Prices do not vary much between UK-based plastic surgery practices led by highly experienced, qualified surgeons. The cost of care usually reflects the training and experience of the surgical team, and the overall quality of care provided.
Cheap plastic surgery is all-too readily available abroad. The NHS, along with our professional governing bodies, BAAPS and BAPRAS, have worked hard on public education programmes to make people aware of the risks of cheap surgery abroad. The lower prices usually reflect the reduced compliance measures in place to oversee the training, experience and quality of care of offer. It is also more difficult to receive the ongoing aftercare from overseas surgical teams, especially if there are ongoing concerns or complications, unless you are prepared to travel.
All surgery carries some element of risk, but you can significantly reduce the risk of anything going wrong, or getting a poor result, by choosing a practice like ours which has a strong and proven track record in breast treatments.
Once you’ve had your surgery, it will be very important to rest and recuperate.
Just like when you had your original breast implants fitted, you’ll need to ensure you get plenty of rest in the immediate aftermath of surgery to give your body time to heal. Whether you’ve had a breast implant removal procedure or have had your implants replaced, you’ll be given a prescription for pain relief and tailored advice on recovery before you leave hospital. When you’ve had your breast implant removal surgery you will stay with us for at least one night, that way we can monitor your progress and ensure you get a good rest.
You should be able to leave the hospital the next day and we will provide you with pain relief medication as appropriate. You’ll be invited to return for a follow-up appointment 7 – 10 days after your surgery and then again after 1 month. Further follow-up appointments will be made depending on how things are progressing. You’ll need to take care with the area where incisions were made to avoid infection. You’ll also need to attend your follow-up appointments to allow us to keep a close eye on you and help you recover as quickly possible.
In the immediate aftermath of surgery, it’s very important that you rest so make sure you enlist support with household chores and meals and be sure to avoid lifting or carrying for at least a fortnight. Try to sit upright as much as possible to minimise swelling. We will provide you with a soft bra to wear while your scars heal, though it’s best to avoid wearing anything close to your scars for several days after surgery. You will want to wear loose clothing for a while.
It’s time to start enjoying life and feeling good about the way you look.
A guide price for Breast Implant Removal Manchester is £7,000 – £9,000.
Your initial consultation will cost between £0 – £150 depending on your case, and our team will be able to confirm this at the point of booking. It is difficult to give a wholly accurate idea of the cost of your surgery until we have met and fully assessed your needs and goals. We seek to offer all of our breast surgery Manchester services at the most competitive prices possible and we ensure the highest levels of quality at all times.
At the end you will be given an exact quote which will cover all treatment, appointments and re-admissions or revisions, should that be necessary.
Your second consultation has a ‘planning fee’ of £150 , is more in-depth, often including a 3D imaging assessment and simulation of outcome, as well as preparation for the day itself.
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