Sun damage is one of the main causes of skin ageing.

Prolonged exposure to the sun causes wrinkles, brown spots, sagging, loss of elasticity and other age-related skin problems.  Sun damage isn’t isolated to people who sunbathe, even day-to-day exposure can impact your skin.

Often called sun spots or liver spots, these damaged areas can be a cause of anxiety, particularly if they are on parts of the body which are visible most of the time. Feeling good about how you look is strongly linked with self-esteem and confidence, so if your appearance is holding you back, perhaps it’s time to look at sun damage removal options.

Fortunately, it is possible to improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin.


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Our consultant plastic surgeons can advise you on the best sun damage removal treatment. The first step is to attend an initial consultation at our clinic, held at the The Pines Manchester Hospital, where your skin can be examined by one of our plastic surgeons.

During this consultation, your surgeon will explain what’s involved in sun damage removal and also give you a good indication of the results you’re likely to see, so you can decide if you wish to go ahead with treatment.

The right approach to sun damage removal varies from person to person.

For some people, particularly if there are skin lesions or pigmented lesions, or moles, then the surgical removal of the damaged skin will suffice. Where the effects of ageing have led to sagging facial features, it may be appropriate to consider plastic surgery options such as facelift or brow lift to rejuvenate and smoothen the facial features.

Our consultant plastic surgeons have significant experience in facial plastic surgery, so are well placed to advise you on the treatments which will achieve the results you would like to see.


When you’ve had your skin damage removal treatment, you will need to continue to care for your skin to ensure your results are maintained.

  • Use sunscreen – even when it’s not sunny, even when you’re not on holiday. Make applying sunscreen a part of your everyday skincare routine.
  • Stay out of the sun – minimise your exposure and definitely stay out of the sun between 11am and 3pm when the sun is strongest. Seek the shade!
  • Cover your skin to reduce exposure. Swap your t-shirts for lightweight cotton tops which cover your shoulders and most (if not all) of your arms.

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